Person of the Year

Person of the Year

Time declared their person of the 2023 to be Taylor Swift. I have yet to read the article at the time of writing, but it has got me thinking about the last few years, and this year especially, and who I would say are the people of my year. Not necessarily the people who are causing the most influence in my life per se, but the people I know of this year who have had quite the year of it. Without naming names, here are some of the people of my 2023.

#1 Rebuilding her world

white clouds and blue sky
Photo by Eirik Skarstein / Unsplash

The first is easily my person of the last couple of years. A braver and more 'get on with it' person I do not know. We first met working together, and our friendship developed since then. At the beginning she struck me as a confident and capable person, always able to deal with any and all challenges that came to her. She was always full of energy and able to do anything extra that was asked of her. It wasn't until recently I found out that with her diagnosis, there were often mornings where she would wake up unable to get out of bed until her medication had kicked in. She is the worst advertisement for her condition as she truly makes life living with what can be a debilitating condition look effortless. And yet, it just showed me once again that you never truly know what a person is dealing with behind closed doors.

The main reason she is my person of 2023 is not because of her living with a lifelong condition, but a rather more personal and recent event. Her fiance broke up with her, and owning a house with him made this un-coupling a lot more complicated. Along with this, her confidence in herself and her status as a woman to be desirable was knocked. I knew this was nonsense, she is an incredible person and desirable in so many ways, but alas it's hard for many people to see themselves as others do. This year she has had to learn how she is not 'damaged goods' and how she worthy of a partner who will treat her right and love her as she deserves.

She is my person of the year for overcoming so much unexpected shit that life can throw, and doing it with poise and grace. You go girl!

#2 Support at home

man doing jumpshot during daytime
Photo by Austin Distel / Unsplash

I've known this guy for quite a few years now, and it's his dedication to his family that really is the reason why he's one of my people of 2023. When I first met him, I knew he was married with 2 children. As the years have progressed, one of these children have become very active in sport and this has meant a lot of driving to various events not just around the country but around all of Europe. This guy has driven and flew with his eldest all over the place for various competitions and training events, often taking personal holidays from work to do so. He has even taken time of work to go across the country to pick up the equipment and driving it all back to his home. His dedication knows no bounds.

It doesn't stop with his children though. On those weekends when there are no sporting activities and competitions, I assumed he would be chilling. But no, he is always doing stuff to the house or doing stuff with his family. He is such a dedicated family man. I find this even more astounding as his wife can be quite demanding. But he has the patience of a saint; I guess they are made for each other. He is one of my people of the year for being an absolute gem of a guy, a role model to fathers and husbands everywhere.

#3 Matriarch

white textile on black metal railings
Photo by Inja Pavlić / Unsplash

I might be a bit biased with my third and final choice for person of the year as I am related to her, but it's not by blood so I'm not being too nepotistic. My final person of 2023 is a woman who has been long married and, in the vernacular, long suffering. To say she has carried her husband, four children and many other family members with her her whole married life would not be an understatement. Without her, the family, and everyone in it, would collapse. They are very lucky to have her.

Sadly, her husband now has a debilitating health issue. And typical of her, she takes it all in her stride, attending each and every appointment with him, and being by his side even when he gets moody and gets mad at her just because he can. She doesn't allow it to phase her, and gets on with everything, including all of the household chores, cooking and seeing to her adult children still at home as well as her many dogs and birds. I doubt she will stop until the day she drops. She is a person of my 2023 due to her sheer resilience and drive to make do for her family, and being the stalwart she feels she needs to be during the good times and the not so good times.

Taylor Swift did impact my 2023. More financially than anything else. Those tickets weren't cheap.

These 3 people above inspired me, made me think, challenged me, provided for me practically and emotionally, and overall, I believe, have made me a better person.

Here's to you 3.

May 2024 reward you.